Sizzling Women To Adore @ Hollywood Comedy Shorts Film Fest 2017 – Part 1

Meredith Riley Stewart in “Divorce Party”

actress camille meredith riley stewart divorce party

– When it comes to the darlings of the comedy world, we do gravitate towards the lovable women who put a lasting smile on our faces and Meredith Riley Stewart exudes a sassy, Southern charm that’s thoroughly precious.
– In the “Divorce Party”, the talented Meredith is a revelation as Dana, a woman who attends her friend’s marital breakup party only to find her ex is there as well, leading to some lively fireworks.
– She’s also been ever-present on television with guest-starring roles on “Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders”, “Scandal” and notably as Margo Grayson, the sexy sidekick of Judy Reye’s Zoila Diaz.

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Miranda Parham in “Mere Players”

actress miranda parham mere players

– Those piercing blue eyes and sensual curves of upcoming indie starlet Miranda Parham will have us singing her praises as she was a shimmering figure at Slamdance in the short “Redmond Hand, Private Dick”.
– She’ll most certainly entice us as Emma, a not-so-discrete Casting Director in the romantic comedy short “Mere Players” about the blurring of lines between acting and dating in Los Angeles.
– She has given me a tease of her upcoming role on the scarily good “Psychopaths” premiering at Tribeca where she plays a look-a-like of a Hollywood icon. I’m saving the detailed info for an upcoming spotlight on Miranda.

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Jennifer Blanc-Biehn in “Zombie Family”

actress jennifer blanc-biehn

– TV icon, Sex Symbol, Indie Horror Starlet are just some of the merits of the delectable Jennifer Blanc-Biehn who has enraptured us around the world as a mesmerising talent both in front and behind the lens.
– She has a busy slate of films on her hands with recent releases including “Havenhurst”. Watch Jennifer essay a comedic turn in “Zombie Family” as a teacher who admonishes her unresponsive zombie student!
– In the saucy comedy horror flick “Fetish Factory”, she’ll whet our appetites as a Jayne Mansfield type burlesque dancer and threads the zombie sub-genre yet again in a girls vs the walking dead showdown.

FOLLOW Jennifer Blanc-Biehn on Instagram

Lisa Roumain in “Strayed”

actress lisa roumain strayed

– The accomplished Lisa Roumain is a bona fide indie darling with rave reviews consistently adorning her work most recently on the short film “Hurricane” which will be screening at the prestigious Cannes 2017.
– She’s set to captivate audiences once more in the dark comedy “Strayed” as the adult version of a young girl who faces life or death decisions involving a stray cat during the technicolor era of the ’80s.
– With interest in aquatic horror films at an all time high thanks to “The Shallows” and the upcoming “47 Meters Down”, watch Lisa battle an underwater predator in her gripping creature feature “Shallow Water”.

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Hannah Barefoot in “Working With Jigsaw”

actress hannah barefoot

– “The Librarians”, “NCIS”, “Incendio”, “Off The Rails” and the upcoming “Good Samaritan” with David Tennant. These features all star one of the hottest women in entertainment, the luscious talent Hannah Barefoot.
– Even Jigsaw has to agree that Hannah is a Goddess Of The Screen so catch her sharing the spotlight with the creepy marionette from the hit horror franchise “Saw” in the hilarious “Working with Jigsaw”.
– While we will miss her as the darling of a writer Diane on the under-rated show “Good Girls Revolt”, her luscious versatility in roles encompassing drama, horror and comedy will more than satiate our heart’s desires.

FOLLOW Hannah Barefoot on Instagram

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